Latest research animations
Self-assembly of spider silk
This gut microbe might protect against diabetes and reduce insulin resistance
NEW: One-way hydrogel guides motion of tiny worms!
Latest Posts
Hippocampal memory isn’t all about place cells
Summer fun: how plants beat the heat
Freedom from fear ?♀️
Blue gene regulation helps plants respond properly to light
Out on a limb: the many ‘brains’ of the octopus
Mutation links bipolar disorder to mitochondrial disease
My science communication journey in Tokyo
Gene linked to intellectual ability affects memory replay in mice
Quick, call Spiderman: scientists discover how spider silk is formed
Mutation protects against Alzheimer’s disease in mice
Plant peptide spells relief from salty stress
Putting E. coli to work for us
Why being sick can create anxiety
Plant hormone combats dehydration
Heat shock system helps dried up bug come back to life
In living color: imaging the brain with synthetic bioluminescence
Deep-brain exploration with nanomaterials
Running away from carbon dioxide: the terminal connection
Rainbow engineering to make the brain glow
Geostationary satellite enables better precipitation and flood predictions
Clean and green: a moss that removes lead (Pb) from water
The brain’s GPS has a buddy system
Leaky plants bad for drought resistance
Helping the body clock keep its cool
The stars align
What’s that smell? The advantage of sniffing
Quantum dots light up cancer with a little help
Most precise measurement ever of proton magnetic moment
Proton and antiproton still seem identical
Microcolumns: elementary neuronal units that carpet the (mouse) brain
Jupiter’s volcano-powered auroral lights
Hepatoma (liver cancer) blocked by a sugar look-a-like
Random movements help color-detecting cells form the proper pattern
Visualizing chick-brain morphogenesis
Skin-like wearable electronics
Solar cells you can put in the wash
Learning and unlearning to fear: The two faces of noradrenaline
ּּּBigger oocytes = more mistakes
Superfly flight simulator helps unravel navigation in the brain
A researcher’s journey part 2: emotional memory and being human
Mathematical model predicts self-organized learning in real neurons
Deadly fungi beaten with fatty acid synthase inhibitor
A new and improved way to store hydrogen
A new alpha-particle treatment for multiple cancers
A researcher’s journey: from surfing to studying pain
The first drug treatment for brain aneurysms (in mice)
Simple but revolutionary modular organoids
Thoughts on the genetics of medicinal licorice

Genomic “butterfly effect” involving TADs explains risk for autism
De novo mutations in three-dimensional structures in the genome containing known ASD genes were found to be associated with ASD risk.

Heat used to transform antiskyrmions to skyrmions and back
Scientists discover a way to transform antiskyrmions to skyrmions and back using heat and magnetic fields.

Real webshooters? Synthetic spider silk spun from artificial gland
Scientists create a microfluidic device that spins artificial spider silk from spidroins proteins, duplicating silk’s complex molecular structure.

Omics Omics Omics: Analysis predicts ovarian cancer-treating drug
Multi-omics analysis prediction: drugs that inhibit Ras signaling will help prevent tumor formation in serous ovarian cancer.

First hydride-ion battery that works at room temperature
Researchers develop a new solid electrolyte that can conduct hydride ions, thus allowing better hydrogen-based batteries and fuel cells.

Plants to the rescue: cleaning up our dirty soil
A brief review of phytoremediation and research into how plants can be used to clean the environment.