Latest research animations
Self-assembly of spider silk
This gut microbe might protect against diabetes and reduce insulin resistance
NEW: One-way hydrogel guides motion of tiny worms!
Latest Posts
Longevity in supercentenarians linked to cytotoxic T-cells
Schizophrenia biomarker (hydrogen sulfide) in human hair
Brain tissue kept alive for weeks with new microfluidic device
Massive filaments, galaxies, and supermassive black holes
Understanding non-coding DNA: gene “enhancers”
Implantable blastocyst‐like cysts grown from stem cells
Talking science Illustration with Misaki Ouchida
Cyborg microchip valve driven by earthworm muscle
Eating a high fat diet without getting obese?
New metalloenzyme system selectively targets cancer cells
Boosting betaine may be a treatment for schizophrenia
Gray matter volume links symptoms in autism
New mechanism allows lower energy requirement for OLED displays
CAPON links Alzheimer’s plaques to neurodegeneration
AdR blockers protect the brain from stroke damage
Trigger region found for epileptic absence seizures
Opto-OISI: imaging connections in the living brain
Flies smell through a gore-tex system
Protein pileup affects social behavior through altered brain signaling
The joys of computational mass spectrometry
Pulses of light can enhance superconductivity
Scientists create new type of self-healing material
Brain clock ticks differently in autism
Supermassive black holes still dark and mysterious
Evolution of the inner ear: insights from jawless fish
Tumor detection during breast cancer surgery
Smarter AI: machine learning without negative data
Nerdnite recap: When the brainbow met the boson
Mutations, CRISPR, and spinocerebellar ataxia
Gene regulator that allows plant rehydration after drought
Researchers create a functional salivary gland organoid ?
Getting a grip on slow but unique shark evolution
Ig Nobel awards: Silly experiments that strike gold
A self-powered heart monitor taped to the skin
Protostars that exhibit large diversity in organic compounds
Scientists solve epigenetic barriers to cloning
Transgenic plants ??on acid survive without water
Two genes that regulate how much we dream
Flies use fecal deposits as pheromones
Omics Omics Omics: Analysis predicts ovarian cancer-treating drug
First hydride-ion battery that works at room temperature
Plants to the rescue: cleaning up our dirty soil
Stolen genes used for parasitic mind control
Machine learning contributes to better quantum error correction
Laser melting ice-core sampler for studying climate change
Gut bacteria reduces insulin resistance, protects against diabetes
Scary places burned into our minds by constant memory replay
Toward human hibernation: cold-resistant mouse stem cells

Stable green hydrogen production in a PEM electrolyzer
A little structurally manipulated manganese goes a long way when using a PEM electrolyzer to make hydrogen from water.

Brainless memory makes the spinal cord smarter than previously thought
The spinal cord learns how to direct limb muscles to avoid aversive sensations and recalls the memories using separate neural circuitry. Oh, and without a brain!

Eco-friendly ammonia production for fertilizers and alternative fuel

Cubes of brain tissue allow drug discovery without animals
Modeling the blood-brain-barrier with brains-in-a-cube allows drug testing without the need for animals.

Gut bacteria could help overcome milk allergy

Detecting pathogens: the evolution of plant immunity
Scientists find recognition receptors for plant growth and plant immunity that share a common evolutionary origin.