All Posts Mar 20 Low-protein diet changes sperm and health of future offspring by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressLow-protein diets in male mice alter sperm and result in offspring that have metabolic problems like diabetes in adulthood. Mar 13 Physiological origami and proper body development in flies by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressGenetics and mechanical origami in the fly embryo helps proper body development by fighting off “noisy” fluctuations is the environment. Mar 11 Efficient and durable ultra-thin solar cells by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressUltra-thin, flexible, organic solar cells that degrade less than 5 percent after 3,000 hours and an energy conversion ratio of 13%. Mar 9 Tape and vermilion: ingredients for mapping artifact origins by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressVermilion samples taken from ancient artifacts with sulfur-free tape can tell us about trade patterns 3000 years ago. Jan 29 Are you “at risk” of being a habitual coffee drinker? by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressSeveral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are related to dietary habits, including coffee, tea, tofu, and yogurt consumption. Jan 24 Astrocytes powered by norepinephrine during fear-memory formation by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the PressNorepinephrine released in the locus coeruleus during fear learning is accompanied by increased calcium and cAMP levels in nearby astrocytes. Dec 19 Brain wave synchrony can predict memory age by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the PressThe degree of neuronal synchrony between the anterior cingulate cortex and the hippocampus during recall is an indication of memory age (in mice). Dec 18 AI identifies features associated with cancer recurrence by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressArtificial intelligence has successfully identified features relevant to cancer prognosis that were not previously noted by pathologists Nov 15 Longevity in supercentenarians linked to cytotoxic T-cells by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressBlood analysis in supercentenarians showed that they have many more cytotoxic CD4 T-cells than people with average life spans. Oct 29 Schizophrenia biomarker (hydrogen sulfide) in human hair by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressNot only is hydrogen sulfide a good biomarker for schizophrenia, it’s also the culprit and a new starting point for drug discovery. Oct 10 Brain tissue kept alive for weeks with new microfluidic device by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressA new microfluidic device can keep tissue cultures functional for weeks on an artificial membrane Oct 4 Massive filaments, galaxies, and supermassive black holes by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressBig telescopes yield big data! Detailed observations gas filaments connecting galaxies in a distant proto-cluster in the early Universe. Oct 3 Understanding non-coding DNA: gene “enhancers” by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressNETCAGE is a newly developed technique for determining the structure of portions of the non-coding genome called ‘enhancers.’ Aug 22 Mini-EUSO launched to the International Space Station ? by jens wilkinson | NewsThe Mini-EUSO observatory was successfully launched to the International Space Station aboard the Soyuz MS14! NASA video inside! Aug 9 Implantable blastocyst‐like cysts grown from stem cells by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressEmbryo Organoids?! Blastocyst‐like cysts grown from pluripotent mouse stem cells were similar to natural blastocysts (early embryos). Jul 16 Talking science Illustration with Misaki Ouchida by adam phillips | Featured, Interviews, What's Up With UsWhether it’s bird anatomy or science cartoons, Masaki Ouchida can do it all. She spoke with us about her career in science illustration, from the US to Japan. Jul 9 Cyborg microchip valve driven by earthworm muscle by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressThis earthworm muscle-controlled biological microelectromechanical system (bio‐MEMS) could lead the way to next-generation medical implants. Jul 3 Eating a high fat diet without getting obese? by adam phillips | Featured, Hot Off the PressScientists discover that without innate immune cells in the intestines, eating a high fat diet does not lead to obesity in mice. Page 7 of 14« First«...56789...»Last »
Mar 20 Low-protein diet changes sperm and health of future offspring by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressLow-protein diets in male mice alter sperm and result in offspring that have metabolic problems like diabetes in adulthood.
Mar 13 Physiological origami and proper body development in flies by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressGenetics and mechanical origami in the fly embryo helps proper body development by fighting off “noisy” fluctuations is the environment.
Mar 11 Efficient and durable ultra-thin solar cells by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressUltra-thin, flexible, organic solar cells that degrade less than 5 percent after 3,000 hours and an energy conversion ratio of 13%.
Mar 9 Tape and vermilion: ingredients for mapping artifact origins by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressVermilion samples taken from ancient artifacts with sulfur-free tape can tell us about trade patterns 3000 years ago.
Jan 29 Are you “at risk” of being a habitual coffee drinker? by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressSeveral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are related to dietary habits, including coffee, tea, tofu, and yogurt consumption.
Jan 24 Astrocytes powered by norepinephrine during fear-memory formation by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the PressNorepinephrine released in the locus coeruleus during fear learning is accompanied by increased calcium and cAMP levels in nearby astrocytes.
Dec 19 Brain wave synchrony can predict memory age by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the PressThe degree of neuronal synchrony between the anterior cingulate cortex and the hippocampus during recall is an indication of memory age (in mice).
Dec 18 AI identifies features associated with cancer recurrence by masataka sasabe | Hot Off the PressArtificial intelligence has successfully identified features relevant to cancer prognosis that were not previously noted by pathologists
Nov 15 Longevity in supercentenarians linked to cytotoxic T-cells by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressBlood analysis in supercentenarians showed that they have many more cytotoxic CD4 T-cells than people with average life spans.
Oct 29 Schizophrenia biomarker (hydrogen sulfide) in human hair by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressNot only is hydrogen sulfide a good biomarker for schizophrenia, it’s also the culprit and a new starting point for drug discovery.
Oct 10 Brain tissue kept alive for weeks with new microfluidic device by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressA new microfluidic device can keep tissue cultures functional for weeks on an artificial membrane
Oct 4 Massive filaments, galaxies, and supermassive black holes by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressBig telescopes yield big data! Detailed observations gas filaments connecting galaxies in a distant proto-cluster in the early Universe.
Oct 3 Understanding non-coding DNA: gene “enhancers” by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the PressNETCAGE is a newly developed technique for determining the structure of portions of the non-coding genome called ‘enhancers.’
Aug 22 Mini-EUSO launched to the International Space Station ? by jens wilkinson | NewsThe Mini-EUSO observatory was successfully launched to the International Space Station aboard the Soyuz MS14! NASA video inside!
Aug 9 Implantable blastocyst‐like cysts grown from stem cells by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressEmbryo Organoids?! Blastocyst‐like cysts grown from pluripotent mouse stem cells were similar to natural blastocysts (early embryos).
Jul 16 Talking science Illustration with Misaki Ouchida by adam phillips | Featured, Interviews, What's Up With UsWhether it’s bird anatomy or science cartoons, Masaki Ouchida can do it all. She spoke with us about her career in science illustration, from the US to Japan.
Jul 9 Cyborg microchip valve driven by earthworm muscle by adam phillips | Hot Off the PressThis earthworm muscle-controlled biological microelectromechanical system (bio‐MEMS) could lead the way to next-generation medical implants.
Jul 3 Eating a high fat diet without getting obese? by adam phillips | Featured, Hot Off the PressScientists discover that without innate immune cells in the intestines, eating a high fat diet does not lead to obesity in mice.