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Self-assembly of spider silk
This gut microbe might protect against diabetes and reduce insulin resistance
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Getting a grip on slow but unique shark evolution
Ig Nobel awards: Silly experiments that strike gold
A self-powered heart monitor taped to the skin
AI used to detect fetal heart problems
Protostars that exhibit large diversity in organic compounds
Scientists solve epigenetic barriers to cloning
Transgenic plants ??on acid survive without water
Two genes that regulate how much we dream
Flies use fecal deposits as pheromones
Blood cell mutations linked to leukemia are inevitable
Researchers show that blood cell mutations increase with age identify risk factors for developing leukemia in Japanese and European populations.
Organic nitrogen in soil helps crop growth
Scientists used a multi-omics analysis to show that soil solarization helps crops grow because it increases organic nitrogen in the soil.
Consciousness, brain connections, and the claustrum
Research shows that the claustrum acts as a ‘consciousness conductor’ that synchronizes and connects areas within the mouse brain.
A new imaging biomarker for the aging brain
Enlarged ventricles is a sign of an aging brain. New research shows that this phenomenon can be predicted by lagging brain circulation that is detected by MRI.
Sphingolipid S1P: Potential new target for schizophrenia treatment
Sphingolipid S1P is reduced in brain white matter of people with schizophrenia, making S1P receptors a good target for new treatments.
Staining that lights up whole organs and bodies
Scientists have developed a staining procedure that makes see-through tissue, organs, and bodies useful.