All Posts Dec 7 What’s that smell? The advantage of sniffing by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Rhythmic sniffing boosts phase-coded neuronal signals in the mouse olfactory bulb that allow odors to be identified. Nov 27 Quantum dots light up cancer with a little help by RIKEN research highlights | Research Highlight Researchers have found a small connecting protein that can help make quantum dot-based probes for biomedical imaging. Nov 24 Most precise measurement ever of proton magnetic moment by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Using a sophisticated setup, scientists have made the most precise measurement to date of the proton magnetic moment. Nov 9 Proton and antiproton still seem identical by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Using a novel two-particle measurement method, scientists have measured the magnetic moment of the antiproton at a precision 350 times higher than any previous measurement. Nov 4 Microcolumns: elementary neuronal units that carpet the (mouse) brain by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the Press A hexagonal lattice organizes major cell types in the cerebral cortex, with similar cells synchronizing their activity in microcolumns. Oct 24 Jupiter’s volcano-powered auroral lights by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A collaborative effort used data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft to explain the transient auroras found on Jupiter. Oct 13 Hepatoma (liver cancer) blocked by a sugar look-a-like by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press A sugar (fucose) analog can prevent liver cancer (hepatoma) from invading healthy liver cells. Oct 3 Random movements help color-detecting cells form the proper pattern by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Scientists have used a mathematical model to explain why zebrafish cone cells in the eye are arranged in a specific pattern in all individuals. Sep 29 Visualizing chick-brain morphogenesis by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A new statistical-based method provides insight into the morphogenesis of developing organs. Sep 25 Skin-like wearable electronics by riken research highlights | Research Highlight Sensors made from stretchable nanomesh allow skin to breathe naturally while continuously monitoring patient health. Sep 22 Solar cells you can put in the wash by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Scientists have developed ultra-thin photovoltaic solar cells that can be incorporated into fabric and even washed. Sep 20 Learning and unlearning to fear: The two faces of noradrenaline by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Fear association and unlearning fear association require different populations of noradrenaline neurons in the locus coeruleus. Sep 14 ּּּBigger oocytes = more mistakes by riken research highlights | Research Highlight The large size of mouse oocytes is shown to create errors when chromosomes divide between daughter cells. Sep 7 Superfly flight simulator helps unravel navigation in the brain by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Optical imaging neural activity in flies as they use a flight simulator can help us understand how the brain codes navigation. Sep 5 Skipping fatty acids could be recipe for schizophrenia by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Prenatal lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids linked to epigenetic changes that lead to schizophrenic symptoms in mice. Aug 21 A gut-wrenching defense against parasitic worms by riken research highlights | Research Highlight Mast cells in the gut help fight off parasitic worms in the early stages of infection. Aug 18 Memory retrieval needs a neuronal connecting flight by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Scientists use optogenetics to discover a part of the brain necessary for retrieving memories of personal experiences. Aug 10 From egg to embryo by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A newly discovered gene turns off an egg’s egginess, allowing it to become an embryo. Page 11 of 14« First«...910111213...»Last »
Dec 7 What’s that smell? The advantage of sniffing by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Rhythmic sniffing boosts phase-coded neuronal signals in the mouse olfactory bulb that allow odors to be identified.
Nov 27 Quantum dots light up cancer with a little help by RIKEN research highlights | Research Highlight Researchers have found a small connecting protein that can help make quantum dot-based probes for biomedical imaging.
Nov 24 Most precise measurement ever of proton magnetic moment by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Using a sophisticated setup, scientists have made the most precise measurement to date of the proton magnetic moment.
Nov 9 Proton and antiproton still seem identical by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Using a novel two-particle measurement method, scientists have measured the magnetic moment of the antiproton at a precision 350 times higher than any previous measurement.
Nov 4 Microcolumns: elementary neuronal units that carpet the (mouse) brain by amanda alvarez | Hot Off the Press A hexagonal lattice organizes major cell types in the cerebral cortex, with similar cells synchronizing their activity in microcolumns.
Oct 24 Jupiter’s volcano-powered auroral lights by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A collaborative effort used data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft to explain the transient auroras found on Jupiter.
Oct 13 Hepatoma (liver cancer) blocked by a sugar look-a-like by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press A sugar (fucose) analog can prevent liver cancer (hepatoma) from invading healthy liver cells.
Oct 3 Random movements help color-detecting cells form the proper pattern by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Scientists have used a mathematical model to explain why zebrafish cone cells in the eye are arranged in a specific pattern in all individuals.
Sep 29 Visualizing chick-brain morphogenesis by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A new statistical-based method provides insight into the morphogenesis of developing organs.
Sep 25 Skin-like wearable electronics by riken research highlights | Research Highlight Sensors made from stretchable nanomesh allow skin to breathe naturally while continuously monitoring patient health.
Sep 22 Solar cells you can put in the wash by jens wilkinson | Hot Off the Press Scientists have developed ultra-thin photovoltaic solar cells that can be incorporated into fabric and even washed.
Sep 20 Learning and unlearning to fear: The two faces of noradrenaline by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Fear association and unlearning fear association require different populations of noradrenaline neurons in the locus coeruleus.
Sep 14 ּּּBigger oocytes = more mistakes by riken research highlights | Research Highlight The large size of mouse oocytes is shown to create errors when chromosomes divide between daughter cells.
Sep 7 Superfly flight simulator helps unravel navigation in the brain by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Optical imaging neural activity in flies as they use a flight simulator can help us understand how the brain codes navigation.
Sep 5 Skipping fatty acids could be recipe for schizophrenia by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Prenatal lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids linked to epigenetic changes that lead to schizophrenic symptoms in mice.
Aug 21 A gut-wrenching defense against parasitic worms by riken research highlights | Research Highlight Mast cells in the gut help fight off parasitic worms in the early stages of infection.
Aug 18 Memory retrieval needs a neuronal connecting flight by adam phillips | Hot Off the Press Scientists use optogenetics to discover a part of the brain necessary for retrieving memories of personal experiences.
Aug 10 From egg to embryo by riken research highlights | Research Highlight A newly discovered gene turns off an egg’s egginess, allowing it to become an embryo.