by masataka sasabe | Jul 26, 2021 | Featured, Hot Off the Press
A new piezoelectronic microinjection method has allowed the first successful genome editing in marsupials: albino opossums.
by adam phillips | Jul 19, 2021 | Hot Off the Press
A mutation in a gene needed for H3K9 methylation is directly linked to autism spectrum disorders and early neurodevelopment.
by amanda alvarez | Jun 25, 2021 | Hot Off the Press
A new breed of lab mouse allows the study of naturally occurring melatonin. These mice will adjust better to jetlag than regular lab mice and experience daily torpor.
by adam phillips | Jun 2, 2021 | Featured, Hot Off the Press
The calcitonin receptor and its ligand amylin act in the brain to motivate mouse mothers to protect their pups, even in risky/dangerous situations.
by masataka sasabe | May 26, 2021 | Hot Off the Press
Researchers have found a dietary amino acid linked to oncogene expression / tumor formation; reduced consumption reduced cancer in flies.
by adam phillips | Apr 30, 2021 | Hot Off the Press
Scientists have developed two cancer therapies that use an artificial glycosylated metalloenzyme to specifically target cancer cells in mice.